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August 10, 2017

August Already………

by Admin
Kingsbridge Quay

So, well into August now and the weather hasn’t been the best to put it mildly! At least that has meant a little more time in the studio. Two more pieces are on the easel, with recent work now completed, and a few now varnished and ready for their forever homes.

If you are familiar with my work and website you will be aware that purchasing pieces, be it prints or original works, is simply completed by contacting me through the website or social media outlets, (if unfamiliar, you know now) and that has allowed me to keep a personal touch with my collectors. To the ordering process just follow this link: Order Process

Over the months, however, during my travels at home and abroad, searching for just the right subject opportunity, I have painted many en plein air, alla prima pieces. Just to be clear ‘alla prima’ means ‘all in one go’ and ‘en plein air’ roughly translates to ‘open air’ or painted all at once outdoors.

en plein air, alla prima example

en plein air, alla prima example

Up to a point these had remained as reference for larger studio works. Being completed all in one sitting, in the outdoors and situation of the subject, lends a freshness and immediacy to each piece. This came to be noticed by a few of my regular collectors, and I was asked many times if I would sell these.

To cut a long story short, I have decided to offer these alla prima pieces for sale in addition to existing work. I will be uploading these as they are completed, and you may see me at craft fairs or on location if you want to check them out in person.

I am also looking at auction platforms, as well as making the works available here.

If you would like to be kept updated, and be the first to know when auctions go live, please drop an email:

The auctions (when they begin) will be for the smaller alla prima, en plein air works. Most will be from 18 x 24 cm up to 26 x 36 cm. All of the auction pieces are in oils, on stretched canvas and unframed (so you can have the piece framed as you please). Auction reserves will start as low as possible. Each work will arrive complete with certificate of authenticity, signed and dated by me, and care instructions for your new work enclosed (as is the case with all work).

Back to work, and thanks for checking in.

Speak soon,














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