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Time Does Fly

It’s the Summer Solstice of 2022 already! Where did the last 2 years go? I would imagine, like me, you may have found the last couple of years weird, confusing, and just maybe, at times truly beautiful.

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I have never heard the countryside so quiet, and the skies above so clear. No vapour trails, no traffic noise, sheep and goats wandering around village greens, foxes and badgers sauntering merrily here and there……. Nature as it, perhaps, once was.

Combe Martin, North Devon
Sunset over the bay

Coming out of the other side of that has seen a lot of changes in my life and work. 

Having moved to the glorious coastline of North Devon in the UK during a break in the lock downs, I have taken some time out to re evaluate my work and look at the direction I am going in. 

Now surrounded by sea scapes, beaches and cliffs, huge skies with dramatic landscapes over Exmoor, Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor, I am truly spoilt for choice in subject matter.

Writers such as Daphne Du Maurier (Rebecca and Jamaica Inn amongst many others), RD Blackmore (Lorna Doone) and Agatha Christie (basing many of her most famous crime novels around Devon), all drew massive inspiration from the area.

It will be interesting to find out where inspiration takes me on my artistic journey.

Recently I have been finishing work from around the Cotswolds where I was previously based and, in one case, considering some major repairs.

Unfortunately some shelves gave way in my new studio and a piece that was undergoing final finishing was standing right under them! After all the hours put into the piece I have finally decided on a repair and refinish. 

Hopefully it will turn out well. I have added a couple of shots of the damage. You might imagine the disappointment when I found it like this. 

I am pleased to say that quite a few of my pieces found new homes over the last couple of years amongst my existing collectors and new alike. I am grateful for your support and appreciate each and every one of you.

Over the coming weeks I will be updating the portfolio as it exists on the website currently and adding the new work as I go.

For now, speak soon.


Westonbirt Arboretum

Time Out

Westonbirt Arboretum

Westonbirt Arboretum

So, I’ve taken some time out last year: travel, sketching, painting in far flung locations, getting married, going on honeymoon etc. It was a busy year. The current work is coming along nicely and will be added 1st to 2nd quarter next year now, thanks to the situation we’ve all been going through this year. The year has been a challenging one for us all.

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westonbirt arboretum

Off to Buckingham Palace….

At long last Spring has sprung. I’m sure it’s a relief to everyone. Blue skies, rising temperatures, the return of migrating birds and the garden finally bursting into leaf, petal and colour!

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More ‘In the beginning….’

Every painter evolves. Often we don’t see the early work, the experiments that, perhaps, didn’t quite pay off.

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slapton ley, kingsbridge, salcombe

New for summer…

After a busy Spring 2017 start, work continues. New pieces are on the easel, three of which, I have taken quick snap shots of below.

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In the beginning…..

Every painter evolves. Often we don’t see the early work, the experiments that, perhaps, didn’t quite pay off.

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Recent Articles


Time Does Fly

It’s the Summer Solstice of 2022 already! Where did the last 2 years go? I would imagine, like me, you may have found the last couple of years weird, confusing, and just maybe, at times truly beautiful.

Read more: Time Does Fly

I have never heard the countryside so quiet, and the skies above so clear. No vapour trails, no traffic noise, sheep and goats wandering around village greens, foxes and badgers sauntering merrily here and there……. Nature as it, perhaps, once was.

Combe Martin, North Devon
Sunset over the bay

Coming out of the other side of that has seen a lot of changes in my life and work. 

Having moved to the glorious coastline of North Devon in the UK during a break in the lock downs, I have taken some time out to re evaluate my work and look at the direction I am going in. 

Now surrounded by sea scapes, beaches and cliffs, huge skies with dramatic landscapes over Exmoor, Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor, I am truly spoilt for choice in subject matter.

Writers such as Daphne Du Maurier (Rebecca and Jamaica Inn amongst many others), RD Blackmore (Lorna Doone) and Agatha Christie (basing many of her most famous crime novels around Devon), all drew massive inspiration from the area.

It will be interesting to find out where inspiration takes me on my artistic journey.

Recently I have been finishing work from around the Cotswolds where I was previously based and, in one case, considering some major repairs.

Unfortunately some shelves gave way in my new studio and a piece that was undergoing final finishing was standing right under them! After all the hours put into the piece I have finally decided on a repair and refinish. 

Hopefully it will turn out well. I have added a couple of shots of the damage. You might imagine the disappointment when I found it like this. 

I am pleased to say that quite a few of my pieces found new homes over the last couple of years amongst my existing collectors and new alike. I am grateful for your support and appreciate each and every one of you.

Over the coming weeks I will be updating the portfolio as it exists on the website currently and adding the new work as I go.

For now, speak soon.


Westonbirt Arboretum

Time Out

Westonbirt Arboretum

Westonbirt Arboretum

So, I’ve taken some time out last year: travel, sketching, painting in far flung locations, getting married, going on honeymoon etc. It was a busy year. The current work is coming along nicely and will be added 1st to 2nd quarter next year now, thanks to the situation we’ve all been going through this year. The year has been a challenging one for us all.

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westonbirt arboretum

Off to Buckingham Palace….

At long last Spring has sprung. I’m sure it’s a relief to everyone. Blue skies, rising temperatures, the return of migrating birds and the garden finally bursting into leaf, petal and colour! Read more


More ‘In the beginning….’

Every painter evolves. Often we don’t see the early work, the experiments that, perhaps, didn’t quite pay off.

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painting, art, oils, landscape

Spring at last……

A few false starts to Spring have certainly kept things interesting! The studio has worn a snowy mantle on quite a few occasions this year. As we approach Easter lets hope the snow stays away and Spring continues its comeback. The last three months have been busy.

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painting, art, oils

2018, a new year.

I hope you have had a great Christmas, and are settled into the realities of another New Year. At the studio it has been a busy end to 2017, getting a lot of work finished and framed, as well as preparing the direction the work will take through 2018.

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Kingsbridge Quay

August Already………

So, well into August now and the weather hasn’t been the best to put it mildly! At least that has meant a little more time in the studio. Two more pieces are on the easel, with recent work now completed, and a few now varnished and ready for their forever homes.

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slapton ley, kingsbridge, salcombe

New for summer…

After a busy Spring 2017 start, work continues. New pieces are on the easel, three of which, I have taken quick snap shots of below.

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tetbury, art, exhibition

Spring, and exhibition time….

Spring, and time for exhibitions. Lots going on with entries to national ‘Royal’ society exhibitions, local exhibitions, and even the odd competition here or there. Read more »

London, Battersea, Vauxhall, River Thames

Getting Ready

Almost April already!! Where does the time go? Read more »