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September 29, 2016


by Admin
Sketch for 'Kingsbridge'

snowdon, yr wydfa

Top of Snowdon

Sept 2016

Nearly there! A well earned trip around some glorious parts of the country. Graduation is on for October at Exeter Cathedral, and I have to say a big ‘thank you’ to the Open University, having achieved my BA (Hons) History, and being assured of my place to study for a Masters in Art History, as soon as I’m able to shoe horn that into my artistic life.

The views around the Lake District, Snowdonia, and glorious weather that has accompanied us, have been truly inspirational. Many a day has been spent marveling at some of the inspirations for the Picturesque movement that informed and inspired so many of the Romantic period’s creative minds and talents.

I am looking forward to updating the website here in November, through December, lots of things to share. The first will be completed works from over the last year, then a series of ‘water’ inspired pieces: bridges, rivers, lakes, and estuary views that will in turn lead to some rather different views of the ‘marine’ around our shores.



Sept 2015

I will be taking a little time out over the coming year to finish my degree. I will, however, be continuing to attend the odd art fair, exhibition and create new work. I will be graduating in October 2016 (fingers crossed), and will then be updating the site with all the new work, and letting you know what is yet to come. My studies have taken me to Venice, and Florence in pursuit of Renaissance Art, as well as Greece to study some of the iconography that inspired, and arguably, gave birth to the renaissance in art. I am sure my travels will inspire new work and I look forward to sharing that with you very soon. I won’t be updating much on the website, but you can stay in touch via Twitter.


city of Bath

At the Roman Baths, Bath



Aug 2014:

Just enjoyed the Tree Fest at Westonbirt Arboretum over the Bank Holiday (despite the rain!). Inspiration and fun combined with a little brolly juggling!


In the Studio

Of course, there’s lots still to do, however, if you happen to stumble on the site, I hope there will be a few things here that are of interest.

The site will currently feature a fairly eclectic cross section of recent work; some for sale, some in private collections, and, some sold.

There is a little section on the pages here that has an email ‘sign up for updates’ section. If you would like to be kept updated as things evolve, please feel free to subscribe.

You won’t be inundated with lots of stuff, but, you will be ‘kept in the loop’. Thank you for your interest and thank you for visiting. If you wish to find out more about a particular piece, discuss potential commissions, or otherwise require further information, please email me at:




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